Notre Dame College Admission Result 2024 PDF | NDC Result 2024 for HSC Admission

Notre Dame College Admission Result 2024 is finally released on the authority’s official website. So, friends, I hope you can clear this college entrance exam. Surely you will be happy to know the result through our website. Jehu Notre Dame College Admission Result 2024 today 21-12-2022 result published on the official website of the authority. So your children have passed the exam, 2nd Step NDC Viva Result (Final Result). If you want to know the result, you first need to enter the authority’s official website.

So guys first you NDC Admission Result 2022-2024 Science, Business Studies. Then you are published simultaneously for human groups. Similarly, if you clear the exam, the authority will send you the result through SMS. So friends, if you can pass the Viva, you must submit the form and all the details to Dhaka Notre Dame College. How to check the result, first you enter the official website with the roll number, ID number.

Notre Dame College Admission Result 2024NDC Result

Today the authorities published Dhaka Notre Dame College admission results 2022-23 based on written exam marks and SSC results. Dhaka Notre Dame College authorities conducted the examination on 3 subjects.

1. Science

2. Ars

3. business

Dhaka Notre Dame College Admission Test was conducted on these 3 categories. The number of the admission war has been determined considering each subject. Recently SSC Exam Number was Determined. Dhaka Notre Dame College authorities will determine the purpose of the admission test. In this admission test, the student admission test was held in all the districts of Bangladesh. Therefore, one and a half times the number of total seats are placed in the merit list. That’s why college authorities have names in the final list today. They announced the name on their official website. You have not yet known the results of Dhaka Notre Dame College. They will surely know through this registration very easily and without any hassle.

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Notre Dame College Admission Result

How to download Notre Dame College Admission Result 2024 

Do you know how to know Notre Dame College Admission Result 2024? If you don’t know, how to check exam results online. You will surely know the result if you read our post completely carefully. So friends NDC admission result 2024 has been released on the official website You can know the result very easily through this website. If you are running Facebook, you will enter the Dhaka Notre Dame College Authority Facebook page by typing in Facebook and searching for NDC Learning.

  1. Click here to Visit the official website
  2.  Then Enter the Admission menu.
  3.  Then Go to the Admission Result Option
  4.  Then Download group-based results.
  5.  Then Check the result with the admission test roll number.

So friends, to know Dhaka Notre Dame College Admission Result. Above are some guidelines if you can practice them well. You can check the admission test result without any hassle. There are still many who did not know the result in the Directorate. They can definitely check the result without any hassle through this registration.

Notre Dame College Merit List 2024NDC Result

Today 21-12-2022, the Dhaka Notre Dame College merit list has been published. The results of these 3 departments of science, humanities, and commerce have been published. Today, a separate merit list has been published for Bengali and Version. The result of each group is published recently through this website (ndc edu bd). So you can know the result online very easily through this website. You can’t know through any other means than this website.

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Notre Dame College Admission Result 2024 PDFNDC Result

Are you aware of the Notre Dame College Admission Result 2024 PDF? If you don’t know the details of the Notre Dame College Dhaka pdf and how it works. Then this post is for you, many times you have to enter the official website and download the PDF. You cannot download exam results without a PDF. If you want to download the PDF, first you need to access the official website of the authority.

So, friends, the PDF is Dhaka Notre Dame College Authority Notice Board. First, when you enter the official website, you need to be aware of the PDF. You can download PDFs online at home.

NDC Admission ConfirmationNDC Result

Therefore, the admission of the students who are placed on the merit list of Dhaka Notre Dame College should be confirmed. Those who have completed the SSC exam 2022 have applied to Dhaka College for admission in Class XI 2024. Final instructions of the college authorities, those who do not fill the form per the instructions of the college authority in the application form, then the authority will declare the form invalid. 

Many times students make some mistakes while filling out the forms. If so, can you make a request through email to the college authorities? Therefore the college authority will keep your applicant on the waiting list. In that case, you will be offered admission from the waiting list. The student has to confirm the admission by paying the prescribed amount through BKash/Rocket. If you get a chance in Dhaka Notre dame, then you must fill out your admission, and authority free all correctly and on time.

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Also Read, Admission Result 2024NDC Result

ndc edu bd website is the official website of the college authority. Through this website, you can check the result very easily. You can not know the result through any website other than this official website. Many times the candidates come online and search Dhaka Notre Dame College Exam Result 2024 but the correct result is not available. That’s why you can know by clicking on the above website.

Since you have applied to Dhaka Notre Dame College (ndc edu bd). According to the college authorities, the result has been released on the official website today. Those who have not seen the result yet can definitely check the result very easily by registering. First of all, you can know all the information about Dhaka Notre Dame College through our website. And how you can check the result online, you can know all the details. thank you


In this registration, you can know the Notre Dame College Admission Result 2024 for sure. You must be happy if you know the exact result. We want to inform you of the exact result of each department. If you like our post, please share, comment, and give everyone a chance to read it. Those who still don’t know about Dhaka Notre Dame College Admission Result. They must be reading this article to understand that the results are out today. thank you

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